Nakopa is financing a project of the town of Reutlingen. On behalf on this project, Novis is building nine biogas plants in Bouaké, replacing firewood cooking in school cantees by cleaner biogas. National press reported kindly on the outcomes of the initial mission onsite (french only).
A detailled report in the newspaper of Reutlingen (GEA) you can find here. (03/2017)
In 10/2016 the BioPro Magazine reported about the Novis "Bioleaching" process. One of the mentioned news was the newly established co-operation between University of Tuebingen, University of Rottenburg and Novis.
The collaboration is about the Bioleaching of ashes from Wood Incineration.
We´re happy to announce this powerful co-operation.
Novis Portrait was reported in Reutlingen based GEA.
To read the full article (sorry: German only), please follow this link.
German newspaper "Markt und Mittelstand" reported in march 2017 about business opportunities in Africa.
Novis was asked to add its experiences from the last ten years.
To read the report, just click.
On 18.09.2014 the Interview at the SWR was broadcasted in the TV.
To get you own impression, just follow the link to the full Video.
The 01.08.2014 Thomas Helle was hosted by broadcasting station SWR1 in the show "Leute" ("People"), a popular radio broadcast. Moderated by Stefan Siller, the talks are about Africa, cocoa shells and how to use psychology as management approach.
The full interview you will find on the pages of SWR1 or click here.